On the Ward
On the Ward
S1: Ep4 | On the Ward: Moving On
Episode 4 of the On the Ward podcast reveals what it’s like to move on from a mental health hospital and return to life in the community. It features two patient voices, who soon hope to be discharged from St Andrew’s.
One of the patients featured has been in secure services for more than 10 years and is soon to be discharged to go a rehab facility.
“I’m quite fortunate I’m going to be in the community,” she tells John-Barry Waldron, the staff nurse who hosts the podcast.
“I have so much insight through therapy….I feel like I’m in quite a fortunate place….and being in services has given me that.”
Another one of the patients featured is in his mid-20s. During the episode he explains how before being admitted to secure care he was a “broken man” and often had run-ins with the law.
He then got hit by a bus which he said completely changed his life, for the better.
“The best thing that’s happened to me in my whole life, is getting hit by the bus,” he tells John.
Even though he’s now looking forward to leaving hospital, the patient explains that the three years of being in secure care has given time for his brain to heal and he now feels “on top of the world.”
Episode 4 is out now on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher.
Read more on the St Andrew's website.